By Peter Kent
…required reading for anyone with a presence on the internet…better than the rest…might be the best investment you ever make…” (
“ well spent if you’re serious about boosting your web potential…” (4 stars…)” (Internet Works)
The following are real, live reviews posted at The book has an average 4.5 out of 5 stars at Amazon, a very rare ranking:
Interesting read, April 5, 2012
Very informative book. Covers multiple aspects of SEO. This is a must have if you are new to this. Easy to understand and interesting read.
Intravec designs ” “, October 21, 2011
This is a great book for beginners that need the knowledge of how important SEO can be to building your clientele list. This book may not be as intense as others, but beginners should enter SEO at a gradual pace and this is the way to start.
A Dummy No More!, September 22, 2011
The SEO bible you’ve been looking for!
Search Engine Optimization for Dummies is the first book I’ve read on the SEO subject and it does not disappoint.
I recommend this book to anyone with a basic knowledge of HTML. (Ian Lloyd’s book, Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way – 2nd edition, is a fantastic book for anyone new to HTML and CSS.)
From the SEO beginner’s, small business owner’s, and budding Web designer’s perspective, the book contains everything you need to know about search engine optimization.
Peter Kent’s book is well written, easy to understand, full of examples and step-by-step tutorials.
After reading Search Engine Optimization for Dummies, you will (in addition to other valuable information) know how to:
* Choose keywords, perform keyword analysis and place keywords on your pages.
* Avoid things search engines hate – such as invisible navigation systems.
* Use SEO tricks successfully.
* Create or obtain content for your Web site.
* Market locally.
* Add your site to the indexes and directories.
* Market your products through shopping directories and retailers.
* Create links search engines like.
* Improve videos from the SEO perspective.
* Figure out if you’ve been penalized by Google and what to do about it.
I recommend this book to anyone new to SEO. It is worth every penny.
A Must Have Resource, September 21, 2011
Chet Baker
Since I don’t have the money to engage a costly SEO group, I’ve been building an eCommerce site on a shoestring with the help of Peter’s book. It’s indispensable. With the help of this book, I’ve pretty much avoided the pitfalls and traps of the scams awaiting the unsuspecting website owner. Yet I’ve managed to significantly improve the page rank and traffic with the tips and suggestions he points out. In particular he covers the fundamentals of linking: how to and how NOT to develop a linking campaign, in my opinion the most important element in SEO. He’s candid with his writing and above all and points out that it’s possible to do it yourself. At the same time however, he let’s you know there is no “silver bullet.” SEO is tedious, time consuming and difficult, but it’s possible to be successful if you know what you are doing. Peter Kent’s book is a comprehensive “must have” resource from A-Z in creating a successful SEO campaign.
Great Starting Point, September 10, 2011
Robert E. Ryan
This book covers all the basics, and some advanced material.
After having a company make my web site, because the supplier required it, they also tried to sell me SEO services.
So far, I have talked to at least 3 -4 SEO service providers.
Like the author said in the book, 80% of SEO providers are selling snake oil.
After reading this book, I was able to figure out that these 3 – 4 providers were selling something that was too good to be true.
If it’s too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true, like snake oil to cure all ills…
Appropriate for intelligent non-experts, July 14, 2011
This is the best Dummies book I’ve read. As an intelligent non-expert, there was nothing I couldn’t follow with a bit of concentration. I did read the book quite slowly but that’s cos there’s so much useful information. I like his honesty, e.g. in saying that “85% of the SEO business is a scam”.
He doesn’t use irritating attempts at “humour”, like some other Dummies authors. Nonetheless, the book retains one’s attention not only with its info but also by discussing some of the outrageous scams and tricks some people play.
Only place I disagreed with him is that he seems to downplay the role of actual content, even while asserting that this is what Google is really looking for. Fair enough he’s an IT specialist and not a writier, so maybe he should team up with someone who writes about “how to write websites” ie the content as opposed to the structure.
Anyway I paid £22 for this and it was at least ten times more useful than the SEO “professional” to whom Id paid £100 for about ten minutes work!
Better than most Professionals, August 21, 2010
Robert T. Nicholosn
I provide Internet marketing services for a living. There’s a lot of snake-oil in the field. Many people selling SEO services have no idea what they are talking about.
I tell my clients that if they read this book cover-to-cover, and diligently apply everything it says, they will do better than 80-90% of the "professional" SEO services.
It’s a lot of WORK, but if you’re on a tight budget, this book will tell you everything you need to know.
Gave me some of the information I needed, August 7, 2010
grandma Nord "grandmalenore"
This book gave me some of the information I needed, but some of it was out of date. [Sorry, grandma, you bought the book two or three months before the latest edition came out!]
book for beginners,
This book is good for those who need a basic knowledge of SEO. It’ll give you basic knowledge and even if you’re going to hire someone to do SEO for you, you should have basic knowledge about it to have an intelligent conversation with them. It will even help you weed through a consultant’s BS about stuff too. If you already know about SEO, it might be too basic, but for me it was great.
Helpful, easy to understand for the dummy, April 22, 2008
Laura (Washington State)
Very helpful. I didn’t know anything about SEO before, but this book helped us choose someone to optimize our website, and it helped equip me to know what to look for and what to ask. I would recommend reading it before you choose a company so you don’t get scammed.
Best SEO Book for Beginners, February 16, 2008
R. Culatta
I’ve spent years teaching people how to optimize websites for search and I always recommend that people read this book to get started. It provides simple, but accurate, explanations on how to optimize websites for search. I highly recommend it.
I Went From Nowhere to #1, November 5, 2005
Michael Quarles (Ellijay, GA USA)
Rarely have I come across a book that made so much of a difference so fast. While I am a long time fan of the "Dummies" books, none have helped me the way this one has. I’d put a website together to promote my book "Building a PC for Beginners". It was being totally ignored by the search engines. After applying the techniques Mr. Kent describes, pages from my site grabbed the #1 and #2 spots at MSN, for my book’s title.
Excellent coverage of SEO, basics and advanced recommendations, November 3, 2005
D. Ciomek (San Francisco, CA)
This book is the the first book you should read about search engine optimization (SEO). It does not cover a lot about pay-per-click advertising (see his other book to be published Dec. 2005). For SEO, however, it explains all the basics as well as some rather advanced details. I was hesitant initially because of the dummies title, but had to realize this book is great. It explains also some advanced tools to evaluate keywords (pull frequency info from the search engines), analyze site traffic, and things that will help you get a higher page rank and better rankings in general, such as having keywords in the links linking to your site etc. Helped me bringing our pages in the top 10 for some highly relevant niche keywords and achieve great results.
Dummies No More, October 20, 2005
Desi Serna (Toledo, Ohio)
I ordered and read several books on this topic. This book is the best. Peter Kent covers the topic in complete detail. I got all the answers I was looking for and more. A real eye opener. AN ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE BEFORE BUILDING A WEB SITE! Get it, get it, get it! Maria Veloso’s book Web Copy That Sells is a great companion to SEO for Dummies. Get this book too!
Wonderfully written and easily understood, September 13, 2005
Thomas M. Kewan (Eau Claire, WI. United States)
I just finished reading the ‘SEO for Dummies’ book from cover to cover. It is certainly one of the best ‘dummy series’ books that I have ever read. The author managed to write about a complex subject, keep it interesting and make it very understandable.
If your website is ‘off the chart’ and you want to make sure it gets ‘on the chart’ and moves up in rank, this book is for you. For those thinking about a building or updating a website read this book first. For those of you that have a great site but it doesn’t have a satisfactory rank this book will help you make needed changes.
I can hardly wait put his ideas to work and see what they will do for my website!
Comprehensive for all but SEO professionals, September 12, 2005
Kevin M. Harwood ""
(Seattle, WA USA)
A great book with overviews of search engines, how search works, how to find important keywords, how to optimize your site for search engine placement, back links and more. Covers the material in a very readable and easy to understand format while also going into sufficient depth to lend meat to the subject matter. Covers the topics in a logical flow with cross referencing to other portions of the book. Of the books available on the market, I highly recommend the Dummies book be added to your library.
A book for all web designers, September 9, 2005
Mick Mitchell
Most web designers forget the necessary elements to get their web sites picked up by the major search engines. This book gives you the inside scoop on how to get search engines to index you properly. Filled with great examples on what to do AND what NOT to do. A must for your web library.
Great book! Helped me achieve results., September 7, 2005
RickBergami(Phoenixville, Pa USA)
Great outline of what to do to get you site ranked high. I followed the authors advice and was able to get ranked #1 on yahoo for the keywords I wanted.
It’s whorthwhile, August 30, 2005
Marcelo Jundy Kimura "MJK"(Brazil)
This book is better than I expected. It’s really a good SEO guide for beginnerslike me.
Solid start to understanding Search Engine Optimization, August 12, 2005
BlueTigga (Montreal, Canada)
Being relatively new to the SEO game, I found Peter Kent’s book SEO for Dummies very informative and helpful. While I rely on many sources to furthur my SEO learning, I keep coming back to SEO for Dummies simply because it’s straight-forward and the information is solid, unlike some of the stuff you’ll hear surrounding SEO.
I think anyone, from the beginner to the SEO veteran, can appreciate this book. Kudos!
SEO for Dummies is excellent, August 4, 2005
David S. Alperin "Desperate Dave"
This is one of the most useful books I have ever purchased. I am following the author’s suggestions and my site’s performance has improved dramatically
Does this author know his stuff or what?, July 14, 2005
Joshua Knowles
Thinking about buying SEO for dummies? Well buy it already. Peter Kent knows what he is talking about.
I have been researching and studying a lot about search engine optimization. I have taken classes, read many articles, bought ebooks and have not been able to isolate a single source that covers ALL the details and necessities for optimizing pages to rank highly in search engines. Until now.
Enter SEO for dummies. This is the ultimate SEO guide you must have to not only rank highly but to also maintain your ranking. Peter takes you by the hand through the ethical process of making your web pages search engine friendly.
But that’s not all. There’s more. He also includes chapters on how to properly submit your website to all the major search engines and directories so you can be found. So stop paying $20 here and there for someone else to do it. It is so easy you will kick yourself in the head.
His book also has stong chapters that demystify link popularity and how to find sites that will link to you, rending you…more targeted traffic.
If its not obvious I am ecstatic about my purchase because not only does Peter break it down for the dummies, he’s on point.
Thanks Peter!
Joshua Knowles
SEO Geek
Great tools for learn SEO!!, July 14, 2005
Puripong Koomsin "PK"(Bangkok, Thailand)
"Real usable, Easy to read even if you’re not geeks, Simple to understand, Worthly your money, Straight to the point and after all, just buy it to see yourself"
This isn’t advertise wording but it come from my mind after I read it completed and applied it. You should buy it even if you’re not english influent coz it used simple wording without technical words. Try it then you’ll like it.
Very knowledgable Author, July 9, 2005
Andy (Seattle, WA USA)
Impressed with the authors knowledge on this "black art" topic.
This book is very well written and gives excellent advice to beginners and intermediate webmasters looking to advance their website rankings.
It has given me great guidance on how to increase hits for my website.
Andy – Webmaster
Great For New Webmasters , June 14, 2005
Shon C. Cary "Shon" (Shon)
Pretty Good read….especially for those who are just now launching an Internet Business. However the Search Engines
are updating their algorithms all the time. So books tend to become outdated pretty fast.
Its a good idea to stay on top SEO & Internet Marketing techniques by reading regularly updated Blogs like:
Good book, will wait to see results, June 14, 2005
Ed S. (Delaware)
As most of the "dummies" books, this one was well written (especially for those new to the game) I think I got useful info from this book, but I will have to wait to see my results as I apply them. For the price, it is definitely worth the investment.
Ed S.
Essential Information delivered with humor , May 25, 2005
Philippe Alexis (Palo Alto, CA USA)
Apart from the fact that this is an essential resource for anyone with a website, the book is well written with a lot of humor. It’s not dry, powerpointy at all and was a joy to read. Now that I’ve read it I find myself constantly coming back to it as a reference for my clients and my
Highly recommended for anybody interested in SEO, May 19, 2005
Eric Nielsen
We never realized how involved optimizing our site would be. This book definitely helps simplify the process. SEO for dummies is presented in such a way that anybody interested will understand and provides a wealth of information and tips.
My kind of book and earns all 5 stars!
-Eric Nielsen
Seattle, WA
A Must Read!, May 15, 2005
Laura "Apex Resumes" (San Diego, CA)
Anyone that needs help with SEO needs to read this book. This book enabled me to troubleshoot my web site. Anyone out there that is even thinking about building a web site needs to grab this book off the bookstore shelves and give it a quick read before setting up that web site- it will save them A LOT of time down the road! Thanks for a great book! Laura, Apex Resumes,
Great info for SEO., May 8, 2005
Peter Kent’s book, Search Engine Optimization for Dummies, is well organized, easy to read, and full of information. If you read this before you start your website development it will save you time and money. If increasing your page rank is one of your goals, this is the book for you.
Must read, May 3, 2005
Chad Barr (Shaker Hts., OH USA)
Excellent book with great practical advice that I was able to implement right away. A must read for anyone interested in understanding and implementing SEO strategies and more.
Chad Barr
love it, May 2, 2005
Jacob Minett "primal marketer" (Arkansas)
This book is my kind of read. Straight to the point, he tells you exactly what to do. By applying this book to my website I will save thousands of dollars in advertising. Now that’s a great investment!
Search Engine Optimization for Dummies, April 25, 2005
David Miller (SEM Professional, Louisville, KY)
I have read multiple books on the subject of SEO but have found this one, hands down, to be the very best. Very nicely put together and is continually pulled off my bookshelf for reference purposes.
Good SEO!, April 3, 2005
Great advice for the web owner newbie. This book allowed me to sigificantly increase my hit count and search engine placement.
The Best Book On SEO Out There, March 24, 2005
Brad Mackenzie "Brad" (New York, NY)
I looked over four to five books that were available to me and spent about an hour trying to find something that touched all my needs for search engine optimization. Peter Kent’s Dummies series was by far the most comprehensive book covering all the material associated with SEO and blew away some of the more "technical savvy" book companies that I would usually go to first. It is a must-read for anyone wanting to compete in the search engine placement game.
The Holy Grail of Search Engine Optimization, March 24, 2005
L. Walker (Dallas, TX USA)
Search Engine Optimization can be a pretty overwhelming subject. Based on the fees that SEO companies charge, I assumed that SEO was right up there with rocket science. However, I would compare reading Peter Kent’s book to pulling away the curtain and seeing a little old man acting as the great and powerful Oz. Peter Kent does an excellent job brushing aside all of the complex notions of SEO and revealing the rather simplistic, yet precise, concepts behind each of the techniques. This book will explain SEO, tell you exactly which techniques to implement, and guide you safely through all of the SEO landmines.
Great book on SEO, March 18, 2005
M. Franks
I have read many books on SEO but I thought this to be one of the best ever. If your trying to learn how to get a website listed well in the search engines this is a must read.
Wonderfully useful book, March 11, 2005
John M. Linck "john the toymaker –"
I can’t recommend this book highly enough. Lots of great info. A must read for any web designer who wants to get those hits.
Loved this book.. Did wonders for my website, March 4, 2005
Kenneth Elliott "Affiliate Guy" (Richmond VA)
I usually don’t write reviews on books but I believe this book needed it. It was just what I was looking for which was a book that was not complicated and was straight to the point. This is what this book offers. It starts out with the basics on how to change your website to make is search engine friendly and then it moves on step by step until you have a website that not only has content but even gets search engine traffic. So if your looking for a book that could be used for the beginner and even the advanced webmaster you have found it. Great book 5 stars.
This book saved our sanity, February 2, 2005
Nancy L. Mc Culley (Seattle, Wa.)
My son and I have a small business and have been trying to optimize our web site the "grass roots" way. The more we searched online the more we found out we didn’t know. We were so frustrated we started talking to the "big boys" – optimization companies that want large monthly fees to take over. Then I decided to go to Barnes and Noble and ask them if there were any books on Internet Search Engines and optimization. They took me over to the computer section, handed me Search Engine Optimization for Dummies and said "This is all you need. All the answers are in this book. You don’t have to pay some company to do it." I bought the book and knew by the end of the first page that all the answers were in this book. It has truly saved our sanity.
Get More Visitors to your Site, February 2, 2005
John Matlock "Gunny" (Winnemucca, NV)
If you have a web site you’ve probably gotten e-mails from time to time offering to do all kinds of things to make your site more popular with search engines. This SPAM, of course, wants you to spend money with them.
Spending a lot less for this book will tell you what these people are offering to do. All of the standard techniques from keywords in the META statements to discussing how Flash might make your site look better to the human eye but might make the site all but invisible to a search engine.
This book contains all the "secrets" in a simple and easy to follow manner that is characteristic of the For Dummies series. This is one of those books you need to read and then to re-read every so often because it will give you new ideas to get better results from searches.
Well organized and practical, January 25, 2005
Scott Reed(Burlington, VT USA)
This book was extremely helpful in that it focused on a systematic and easy to follow approach to understanding how to improve you site’s visibility on the web. I’ve read other books and other resources on the web on this topic and was often left more confused than before I started. This book has helped me to understand the search landscape and how to spend my time wisely in improving the positioning of the sites I develop.
It’s simply brilliant. An eye-opener., January 18, 2005
Alan Teo(Singapore)
I knew nuts about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) before I read Peter’s book. The detailed knowledge in his book made my jaw dropped chapter after chapter. Peter showed me the way to a better placing in a search engine. Simply brilliant!
A Wealth of Information, January 11, 2005
PC Pro (San Antonio, TX)
This is a great book. Although I had done some good research on the subject over the last couple of years this book taught me a lot.
Great Book and a Responsive Author, January 7, 2005
Sidney H. Vanness (Atlanta, GA USA)
Peter Kent’s Search Engine Optimization for Dummies is an indispensable resource for any web entrepreneur or web developer. The book starts out by providing an overview of how search engines work, laying the necessary foundation for the later parts of the book which guide the reader through topics such as the selection of keywords, the optimization of pages, strategies for acquiring high quality content and suggestions for managing effective link campaigns. You might observe that many books in this area cover each of these topics…..and you would be correct. However, Peter’s book not only surpasses other books that I considered in terms of the quality of the content, but he manages to convey the information in such a manner that you actually want to continue reading-quite an achievement for a potentially dull topic. Lastly-and this was perhaps the most impressive aspect of this book-I wrote Peter with a specific question regarding an intricacy of one of the strategies he suggested-and he personally replied within 24 hours with an informative, concise response. Highly recommended.
Don’t do a commercial web site before reading this book., January 3, 2005
Kevin Who "Kevin" (Atlanta, GA)
I could have saved thousands of dollars by reading this well laid out book before dealing with the web masters. Even if your only going to manage the web site development you need to read this book. If you don’t, your at the mercy of the web masters just like taking your car to a mechanic when you no nothing about cars. I am a 39 year old Product Manager with purchasing experience who still was ripped off due to lack of back end web site knowledge. Not any more!
The Most Comprehensive SEO Guide, December 28, 2004
Tangoman "Tangoman"(Seattle, WA)
I picked up the book and could not put it down. I am very knowledgeable about the SEO subject, but I wanted to learn more over this holidays season. And, I was pleasantly suprised to see that the book is not just for Dummies but also for Smart People. It covers all of the latest tools, techniques, and strong ethical tips to enhance your Internet Marketing. I recommend it to novice to advanced SEO professional. As 1 tip can add dramatic value to your site.
I just hope that my competitors don’t read it:-) I am in real estate and it’s a very competitive business.
Recommended Read, December 2, 2004
This was a great book.He took a potentially boring/dull topic and made it an interesting read. My roommates couldn’t believe that I was laughing while I read it! Before I read this, I couldn’t have a competent conversation with other people who know how to do a site. Now that I understand what I need, I can’t wait to get started redoing our websites.
updated 2004 SEO guide, November 25, 2004
Mick G(Los Angeles, CA)
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is familiar or not familiar with search engine optimization. My buddy in class told me about it, I was looking around for books related to this subject. Most books were outdated from 1999-2001, I always prefer buying the new stuff. I’m glad I read this before submitting my site to search engines, my plan for submitting my site would have failed if I had not read this book.
Worth Every Penny., November 16, 2004
daywiredotcom(Oak Park,CA USA)
I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Written in a clear, concise manner that explains SEO step-by-step, the author doesn’t just give tips, but provides links to a number of helpful resources. The process of Search Engine Optimization has never been explained in so much detail. I was left shaking my head saying " Why didn’t I think of that?" This book is worth every penny.
A step by step guide to better search engine results., November 8, 2004
Keith Charles "Keith Charles" (New Jersey)
In my experience as a webmaster, I have seen quite a few different publications over the years that deal with the topic of search engine optimization. None, until now, have provided such a clear and comprehensive outline as Peter Kent’s Search Engine Optimization for Dummies. (And you don’t need to be a dummy to read it btw) I highly recommend this book if you have a website and want to reach more viewers and or increase the overall effectiveness of your online efforts. Thank You Peter Kent for sharing your professional insights
A must for those involved in Internet Marketing & eCommerce, October 29, 2004
Lawrence J. Harte "Telecom Expert" (Fuquay Varina, NC United States)
I’ve read several of Peter Kent’s books on Internet Marketing and this is the best so far. Just one of the techniques I learned dramatically increased the ranking of my sites on several search engines.If you want higher rankings, this book gives you great tools to use!
Very easy read with clear and concise points, October 12, 2004
Bessie Coleman (Canada)
A succinct, incredibly helpful book on search engine optimization. It’s brief and easy to read. I am recommending it to everyone I know who has anything to do with web sites.
If you are just learning about search engine optimization, this book is a great place to start. If you are only planning to buy one book on SEO, and don’t know which one to get – get this.
Excellent Resource, October 8, 2004
Kenney J. Pierce Jr. (San Diego, CA USA)
I think this book was very well written and that the author had a thorough command of all aspects of web design and e-commerce with a focus on building search engine friendly websites.
While the preferences of search engines will change over time, I see now that most of search engine optimization fundamentals will survive the test of time.
I am grateful to Mr. Kent for imparting his wisdom and highly recommend this book to everyone who’s interested in driving traffic to their website.
Brilliant book on SEO!, September 11, 2004
Steve Skoll(San Francisco, CA)
Peter Kent’s book, Search Engine Optimization for Dummies, is filled with great information about SEO. A truly valuable resource. I didn’t know a thing about SEO prior to reading Peter’s book, but I now feel that I have a great deal of knowledge and understanding about SEO. It will be easy to take what I have learned and apply it to my own web sites. I’m also confident that I’ll be making the right changes to my web sites to get Google’s attention and high page rank.
An Excellent Introduction to the World of SEO…, September 4, 2004
Walter C. Mckinney "Walt McKinney" (USA)
I just finished reading Peter Kent’s book, `Search Engine Optimization for Dummies’ and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was chock full of useful information. I am the webmaster at my company, responsible for maintaining and updating two primary sites. I look forward to implementing some of the techniques and strategies outlined in this book. This will be a great resource to keep handy on my desk!
The right track, July 25, 2004
J. Morgan (Wilsonville Oregon)
While I am an experienced SEO, I figured I could glean some more tips off this. While I didn’t get as much as I thought, I feel I must say, if I had this book 5 years ago, I would have learned faster, and would be better at it now. This book is gold and worth every penny.
I have found that there is more theory in this book than practical application. However, the theory presented is in my opinion the most solid approach to SEO, and it took me years to learn what this book has presented. It relies less on "tricks" and more on long term, solid strategies to get keep you successful for the long run. It isn’t extremely technical, which makes it great for the beginner, but its not so basic that it can’t be useful.
If you are in the least bit serious about being a webmaster, whether you have one site or many, this book needs to be on your shelf. The lessons taught in it will make it pay for itself almost instantly.
Pray that your competetion doesn’t read SEO for Dummies, July 23, 2004
Derek Taylor(Berwyn, IL USA)
This may be the most important book a web developer can read. Peter Kent believes that most web geeks that think they know Search Engine Optimization, don’t – and I think he’s right. If you’re looking for gimmicks, you may be disappointed in this book, although there are quite a few gems in here that can get you a quick bump in traffic. What Kent will help you out with is a systematic, organized approach to building a site that people will be able to find.
First search book that helped me (of two), July 21, 2004
w3 search
I maintain a lot of volunteer websites (social sciences) and recently had to move many of them from one server to another — ie., from one domain to another domain. Getting good advice has been hard — some of the SEO message boards,etc., never really want to answer questions — perhaps not wanting to ‘give’ away secrets, etc. I ordered Peter Kent’s book, thinking I might not keep it if it didn’t help. The information that I found was really correct (based on my personal experience with about 1000 sites), useful, and covered some areas (importance of title tags, for example), that other books hadn’t given much coverage. I was helped, and do recommend this book. Follow his advice and you should have a site that is at least liked immediately by search engines, if not loved… (given content, content, content, of course)
No tricks just real good advice, July 20, 2004
Joshua Kallio "Info Sponge" (Detroit, MI)
My name is Joshua and I run an Online Salon Search Directory. In just a couple of days after making a few of the suggested web site changes I noticed significant improvement in my search engine placement. Some improvements definetly made differences faster than others but simply by following the suggestions in this book you can turn last place in first place. Remember though this is a moving target and you wont stay there forever but with the skills, knowledge and tools gained from this book it will be that much easier. Even if you dont have a technical background there are things suggested in this book even my father can do whose VCR is still blinking 12:00. I have already recommended this book to a my friends.
Search Engine Optimization for Dummies, June 30, 2004
Joe Dee(Syracuse, NY United States)
Search Engine Optimization for Dummies is surely the best text of its kind! It is a very useful book that has proven to be extraordinarily helpful to a business promoting its first website. Comprehensive and detailed, it discusses all relevant considerations and is written so that one who is ignorant of its subject can gain a through understanding. Peter Kent has taken the mystery out of site promotion. Don’t hesitate to buy it.
I thought I knew it all…., June 26, 2004
D. L. Saunders "dj_dandy_david"
(Concord, California USA)
I’ve been a Search Engine Marketer since 1999 and really thought I knew it all. I learned a few new tricks from just one page 🙂 It’s a little bit of an understatement to have this book under "…for Dummies" but the book did start off with the simple stuff. Great read/reference book and well worth it. If you learn just one thing then this book (you will) will have paid for itself over and over again. I don’t know Mr. Kent so this is totally for real. Buy it…
A must have for online marketing professionals!, June 15, 2004
"vitob029"(North Brunswick, NJ)
ATTENTION: You MUSTread "Search Engine Optimization for Dummies!" This book helps you break through all of the nonsense, hype and myths about search engine optimization! It’s certainly the best and most comprehensive search engine optimization book I’ve seen to date hands down. I’m a marketing professional and have recently been confused at all the online ad blitzes and pop-ups with companies promising to list your website at the top of all of the major search engines. Peter Kent lays it all out in plain english -this book is all you need. I look forward to the next one! Visit Pete’s website for latest and greatest on the search engine wars!!
Peter Kent’s "SEO For Dummies" Is A Keeper., June 8, 2004
John Palethorpe
(Vancouver, B.C. Canada)
In spite of my being a relative novice in the world of computers, websites, et al, because the layout, breakdown, and writing style are consistently logical and clear, I was able to understand most of what Peter Kent offers in his book. And that surprised me, as I find SEO to be an especially challenging, complex field. I needed a reliable, up-to-date, basic guide, and now I have one.
An awesome Book on Search Engine Optimization!, June 4, 2004
Deb Montagne
(Western Wisconsin, USA)
I recently finished reading this book and found it very helpful. Peter Kent clarifies what search engines like and don’t like and what you need to do to get high rankings. I’m just beginning to implement some of the suggestions and ideas from this book. I’m a non geek so if I can do it, anyone could. This is a must have book for every website owner/builder, whether they are webmasters or newbies. I just wish I had read this book before my e-commerce store was dynamically built. I could have avoided a lot of headaches for myself later on. I’m stopping my pay per click keywords (they’re too costly and havn’t brought me that many sales anyway) and going to get listed naturally with the help of this book!
Excellent Introduction to the SEO Field, May 18, 2004
Richard Kurschner (Beaverton, OR United States)
I found this book to be a very readable and helpful introduction to the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Peter Kent walks you through the details of how to increase your web site’s traffic by improving your site’s ranking in the various search engines. He also covers your pay-per-click placement options should the free alternatives not be sufficient. This book is appropriate for geeks and non-geeks. If you don’t know much about building web pages, this will help you talk to your geeks. If you do know how to write HTML, it will give you the publicity and marking information you need to turn your finely crafted pages into ones that are actually seen by the people who want them! I recommend this book to anyone who has a web site that isn’t ranked at the top of all the search engines
Having your own personal Web Content Consultant, May 10, 2004
A reader
Before reading this reference book I was completely in the dark with respect to getting my web site recognized. With this manual I have a step by step guideline on how to proceed. In my opinion most people believe their web designer/host can help them. This is simply not the case. If you want to have a reasonable chance of capturing a receptive consumer base for your site this book is a must have.
Awesome SEO book – The Bible of SEO, May 2, 2004
Chuck Steinberger (Southern California)
Peter, Thanks!!
Spent the entire weekend reading your book and made 7 pages of notes. Awesome!! Best book I ever read on SEO and probably one of the best books that I have read in years that offered so many insider trade secrets. Can’t thank you enough.
Search Engines 101, April 30, 2004
Ethan (MD)
If they were to make a college course on how search engines work and how to optimize your website so search engines love it, than "Search Engine Optimization for Dummies" by Peter Kent should be the textbook. Within 2 days of reading about half of this book and carrying out its practices I have seen my website rise in the rankings of search engines. Peter Kent has done an excellent job of clearly explaining how saerch engines work, what they like and dont like about your website, and how to change your website to fit the rules of the search engines, as well as many other ways to market and make your site be known. I recommend this book to anyone trying to get thier websites to attract more traffic. Thank you Peter kent!
Great Book, February 3, 2005
J. F. Heinrich
I am a neophyte in web design and have a tech person in another city who has just started doing web design. She designed our websites but was not up on optimization, and I wasn’t either. We both ordered the book and have now designed two websites using it. The first searches fairly well but it wasn’t being found at all until we used the suggestions/instructions from the book so it certainly helped. The second site was designed using the suggestions for titles, descriptions and keywords. I also believe the designer used all of the other directions for other parts of the site. We are just trying to get the site recognized at this point. I would have to say, at least for myself, we would have not known any of the "secrets" to getting recognized without using the book. I am confident over time we will get both sites readily recognized by the engines. It does seem to be somewhat of a science and the book help a lot. I personally highly recommend the book and I don’t normally give out 5’s for anything, a big help.